Home / Civil War Genealogy / West Virginia / 7th West Virginia Infantry
7th West Virginia InfantryUS Flag
Company Unknown
Hezekiah Stout Batton
Rank Unknown
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Contact Name: Emily McHenry
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Date Added: 6/27/2023

Company Unknown
Josiah Chambers
- Private
Great-great uncle
Contact Name: Scott Mingus
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: www.geocities.com/scottmingus
Date Added: 7/28/2006

Company Unknown
remus bruce workman
- Private
7 th have picture of remus
Contact Name: carl wilson
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: blacklimo1
Date Added: 6/12/2009

Company A
Jonah Bayles
- Private
My Great-great-great grandfather Jonah was WIA at Antietam, but returned.
Contact Name: Mike Mundell
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 9/17/2004

Company A
Leonard R. Cox
Rank Unknown
It has been stated that Leonard R. Cox was a member of Company A, 7th West Virginia Infantry. I have been unable to find his records. His name appeared on a muster roll, he supposedly entered service in Wheeling, WV. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
Contact Name: Donna Schultheiss
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/2/2007

Company A
John C Felton
- Captain
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Contact Name: Robert C Griffith Jr
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/19/2008

Company A
Samuel A. Sisler
- Corporal
My great-grandfather. Enlsited July 4, 1861, Albrightsville, VA (later WVa) for a period of three years. He was a Private in Capt. Snider's Co. Appointed Corporal in June 1862. March 1863 was on detached duty in Division's ammunition train. Discharged Aug. 7, 1864.
Contact Name: Janeine E. Van Der Molen
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/10/2010

Company B
Jerome Cornell
- Private
Jerome died at the Battle of Cold Harbor when his right leg was amputated at the thigh during the battle on 5 June 1864
Contact Name: Anita Hamer
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/4/2010

Company B
Benjamin Franklin Evans
- Sergeant
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Contact Name: Michael M. Foreman
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/23/2006

Company B
Jesse A Kelley
Rank Unknown
Jesse was my great grandfather. I have his Civil War medal issued by the State of West Virginia, and would be glad to share photos with those related to him or doing research on his unit.
Contact Name: Susan Kelley
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/6/2014

Company B
Jacob B. Nuss
- Private
My great great grandfather. Lived in Cameron WV.
Contact Name: Suzanne Strassburger
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 11/18/2007

Company C
Simeon Andrson
- Sergeant
Simeon was about 14 when he and his two brothers signed up in 1861. Brothers were Nathaniel and Joseph. I have his medical records from the archives in Washington. (nearly 100 pages. All three brothers lived through the war. Simeon became a miner and moved to West Virginia from Ohio and then moved with family to Pratt City, Alabama (outside of Birmingham) to mine there with his sons who were also miners.
Simeon died in 1900 in Pratt City, Alabama.
Contact Name: Donald Anderson, Sr.
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/21/2010

Company C
Thaddeus Heslep
Rank Unknown
Thaddeus S. Heslep was the brother of Lieutenant John D. Heslep, 7th West Virginia Infantry. Thaddeus mustered in with Company 'C' on 7 Aug 1861. He was taken POW 6 May 1864 and spent time in Andersonville Prison, Georgia.
Thaddeus married Elizabeth Villers (also Viellers). Their children were Colfax, Nora and Ulysses Grant. John D. and Thaddeus Heslep were the sons of George Tilghman Heslep and Christine Rabe.
Contact Name: Richelle Champion Blankenship
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 9/27/2005

Company C
Absolom B Miller
- 4th Corporal
My Great Grandfather, Absolom B Miller, is buried in the Miller Cemetary just off Childress Road in Kanawha County. His tombstone is a White Civil war headstone with the 7th WV Infantry subscribed thereon.
Contact Name: Lincoln Miller
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/5/2013

Company C
Isaac Smith
- 1st Sergeant
Isaac Smith is my first cousin eight times removed.
Contact Name: Shephard Cruz
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/7/2020

Company C
remus bert workman
- Private
remus b workman kidwell west va. born 4 july 1844 have picture of him in uniform
Contact Name: carl wilson
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/3/2009

Company D
John Acquilla Barackman
- Sergeant
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Contact Name: Crystal Cuelho
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/17/2009

Company D
John George Distler
- 1st Lieutenant
Note: Was also in Company G -

Obituary - Spirit of Democracy, Woodsfield, Ohio, dated, June 1, 1905 -

Died May 13, 1905, John G. Distler. He was born August 26, 1841, near Lewisville, Monroe county, Ohio, and at the time of his death had reached 63 years, 8 months and 18 days.

He was united in marriage April 1st 1866 to Catharine Young of Monroe county, Ohio. To this union were given seven children all of whom are living and all were present to unite their strength in a common sorrow for the loss of a kind father and devoted husband. Amid a bed of flowers he was laid to rest in the Lewisville cemetery Monday afternoon. He was buried by the I.O.O.F., G.A.R., and Sons of Veterans of Lewisville assisted by the and G.A.R of Stafford and Woodsfield.

Religious services were conducted by Rev. Hafele of Woodsfield.

He enlisted Nov.26, 1861, as a private in Co.’s G. and D. 7th Regiment W.Va., Infantry and was promoted to Corporal July 2, 1862, and afterward promoted to Lieutenant. He was discharged July 28, 1865. He was engaged in all the battles of his regiment and was wounded at Spottsylvania in the leg, Gettysburg in head and at Antietam in the hand.

Mr. Distler had a surprising accurate memory; he was very good in the remembrance of all the noted battles that were fought during the rebellion and on up to the date of his death he still kept those noted days green in his mind by having the stars and stripes floating in the air from a pole he had erected for that purpose at his home.

So ends the life of Comrade Distler.
Contact Name: A. David Distler
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=6288427
Date Added: 8/4/2009

Company D
George W. Groves
- Private
George Groves, my gg grand uncle, killed on September 17, 1862 at the Battle of Antietam, Private Groves was 18 years old.
Contact Name: R. Galloway
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/18/2013

Company D
simeon hill
Rank Unknown
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Contact Name: Dave Willis
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/20/2007

Company D
George Joy
- Private
This soldier was my great great grandfather. He was a teamster in the army. My records indicate that he had numerous health problems caused by exposure to the elements while serving that contributed to his death in 1887. George is buried in the Deucher Cemetery in independence TWP in Washington County Ohio
Contact Name: Robert
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/16/2008

Company D
Madison McDowell
- Private
Madison McDowell is my g-g-g- Grandfather. Studying pension papers I was able to discover that he was wounded in the left temple at the Battle of Antietam near the ''Sunken Road''. He was also wounded in the leg at Spottsilvania on a probing action across the Po river. He was mustered out on 1864. Originaly from Ohio, He later settled in Wisconsin after the War.
Contact Name: Todd
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 5/26/2004

Company D
William Miles
Rank Unknown
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Contact Name: William Abrams
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/7/2009

Company D
George Rutter
Rank Unknown
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Contact Name: Tammy
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 10/12/2014

Company D
John T Starkey
- Private
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Contact Name: Dan Starkey
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/24/2009

Company D
William Watson
- Corporal
William Watson was my g-g-g grandfather.
Served as a Corporal in Company D, 7th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry. William contracted consumption during his service to the Union and died at home while on medical furlough on April 17, 1862. William served from (08/01/1861 – 04/17/1862). Company D was commanded by Capt Isaac Fisher.

William’s older brother, James Watson, served as a 1st Lieutenant of Company D, and afterwards as Captain of Company I. James was wounded when an ounce ball entered his shoulder at the Battle of Fredericksburg in December, 1862 while serving under General Burnside’s command, which was the cause of his resignation. James served from (08/01/1861 – 01/06/1863), 1-yr 10-mo 06-days.
Contact Name: Samuel R. Fankhauser
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/24/2009

Company E
James Backus
- Private
Found an image of a pension application filed by Julia Backus, widow of James Backus E, 7th WVa Infantry. At this point I know very little more.
Contact Name: D. B. Sarver
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/6/2012

Company E
John Daily Heslep
- 1st Lieutenant
Lieutenant John D. Heslep enlisted on 7 Aug 1861 in Company 'K' 7th West Virginia Infantry. He served as a Sergeant in Companies 'C' and 'E' and received his commission as 1st Lieutenant in Company 'E' on 2 May 1865.
Lt. Heslep is buried next to his wife, Elizabeth Sturgeon, in the Stender Cemetery north of Paden City, in Wetzel County, West Virginia. The children of John D. and Elizabeth were: Gloria Victoria, b. 5 Oct 1881; Seth Flavius, b. 2 Mar 1884; Pharoh Vitellius, b. 31 Dec 1885; Myrtle Naomi, b. 1 Mar 1888; Darius Antiochus, b. 4 Apr 1890; Dewitt Rolfe, b. 3 Jun 1892; Paul McKinley, b. 13 Jun 1896.
Contact Name: Richelle Champion Blankenship
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 9/27/2005

Company F
William E. Fox
- Private
Wm. E. Fox was born 1843 in Mt. Morris, Penn. and died 1929 in Monticello, Indiana. Wounded at Romney, Va., Oct., 1861 allegedly the regiment's first battle casualty. Participated in the 7th's 1862 battles including Antietam. Invalided-out Feb. 1863. Is my g.grandfather.
Contact Name: Judge David K. Fox
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 10/6/2006

Company F
Allen Shelby Hall
- Private
Allen Shelby Hall is my 3rd great-uncle. He died on 12/26/1878 and is buried near Fairmont, West Virginia.
Contact Name: Betsy Hall
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: betshall@gmail.com
Date Added: 2/28/2019

Company F
James Ross
- Private
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Contact Name: Dick Ross
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/24/2005

Company G
Isaac Allen
- Private
My gg-grandfather and his brother William enlisted in Wheeling. Possibly another brother John in Company B. All survived the war and mustered out. They lived in Proctor, WV at that time.
Contact Name: Scott Allen
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/11/2024

Company G
Simeon Breech
- Corporal
Simeon Breech was a Corporal on the Union side of the Civil War. He was enlisted in Company G,B West Virginia, 7th Infantry Regiment. He married Mary Miller and they had 11 Children: Elizabeth, William Thomas, Simeon Jr, Isaac, Charles J, Samuel, George, Mary, Rebecca, Catherine, and Noah Breech.

Contact Name: Kim
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: spezzmsq
Date Added: 11/10/2013

Company G
Jonathan M Derrick
- Private
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Contact Name: Rodney Derrick
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/15/2005

Company G
John S. Mellott
Rank Unknown
other family members in the unit

Mellott, Alexander','G','Sardis, Oh.'
'Mellott, Archibald','G','Cameron, Oh.'
'Mellott, Gilbert/Gebbert','G','Cameron, Oh.'
'Mellott, Henry','G','Cameron, Oh.'
'Mellott, Jacob','G','Cameron, Oh.'
'Mellott, James B.','G','Cameron, Oh.'
'Mellott, John (3)','G','Cameron, Oh.'
'Mellott, John P. (3)','G','Sardis, Oh.'
'Mellott, John S. (3)','G','Cameron, Oh.'
'Mellott, Peter','G','Cameron, Oh.'
'Mellott, Theodore','D','Sistersville, W. Va.'
'Mellott, William','G','Cameron, Oh.'
'Mellott, Willis','G','Cameron, Oh.'
'Mellott/Mellot, Isaiah','G','Sardis, Oh.'
Contact Name: mark mellott
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 5/30/2008

Company H
William Bee
- Private
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Contact Name: Kathy
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/13/2006

Company H
William W Bee
- Private
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Contact Name: Kelly Fisher
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/20/2009

Company H
Michael J Berberet
- Private
Joined Company H of the 7th West Virginia Infantry Regiment on 1st of August (or October) 1861 at Moundsville, Virginia. He was wounded near Sharpsburg (Battle of Antietam) 17 August 1862 on hand and in mouth. He was furloughed on the 23 September 1862 till November 1862. He received a certificate of disability on 4th of March 1863. He also received a chest wound during his service.
Contact Name: Robert J Macoubrie
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/26/2022

Company H
Adam Montgomery
- Private
Adam Montgomery was wounded while assaulting the Sunken Road at Antietam.
Contact Name: Mark Montgomery
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/29/2016

Company H
James Asberry Montgomery
Rank Unknown
Killed at Antietam while assaulting the Sunken Road.
Contact Name: Mark Montgomery
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/29/2016

Company H
John H. Montgomery
Rank Unknown
John enlisted in September 1861 with his younger brother James Asberry Montgomery and his first cousin Adam Montgomery. Fought at Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and all other major engagements in the eastern theater. Survived and was at Appomattox when Lee surrendered. Regiment was nicknamed 'Bloody 7th' for their heroism at Antietam, and was famous for driving back the Louisiana Tigers at Cemetery Ridge in Gettysburg. There is a memorial for the 7th WV regiment in Gettysburg, PA.
Contact Name: Mark Montgomery
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/29/2016

Company H
John West Reger
- Chaplain
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Contact Name: Karen Post Cartwright
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/7/2006

Company H
Henry Webb
- Private
b.1823-Carroll Co, Va; d.1 July 1865-Peachtree, Raleigh Co, WV; cod: war illness; s/o Rachel (Horton) & Giles Webb; h/o Lear (Webb); father of Russell Webb. Nat'l Archive widow's & minors' pension papers & supporting affidavits.
Contact Name: Sue Webb Bodishbaugh
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/6/2009

Company I
James Watson
- Captain
James Watson was my g-g-g Uncle.
Entered service Graysville, Monroe County, Ohio on 01 Aug 1861; (Age 38) 3-yr Enlistment;
First Lieutenant, Company D, Sistersville, WV 10 Oct 1861;
Promoted to Captain and Transferred to Company I 01 Oct 1862;
Wounded in action while leading his column at Battle of Fredericksburg (shot in right shoulder) 13 Dec 1862;
Resigned Commission on 06 Jan 1863; Discharged 07 Jun 1863;

Note: James Watson and younger brother, Corporal William Watson, b. 19 Jul 1826,served together in Co. D, 7th Regiment WV Volunteer Infantry;
William died of consumption from exposure in the service while home on furlough 17 Apr 1862.

Contact Name: Samuel R. Fankhauser
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/24/2009

Company K
John Newton Jones
- 2nd Corporal
No comments
Contact Name: Steven L Jones
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/27/2010

Company K
Francis Morton Lynch
- Private
Francis M. Lynch, 'Frank,' was my great-grandfather. He was wounded at Antietam, lost the hearing in his left ear on East Cemetery Ridge at Gettysburg, was captured at the Wilderness & imprisoned at Andersonville, where he contracted scurvy. Frank was paroled 10 Dec 1864 and mustered out on 28 Mar 1865. (From Soldier's Pension Records, National Archives, Application #185092; Certificate #134004)
Contact Name: Fran Miller
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/18/2011

Company K
Joseph P. Lynch
- Corporal
Joe Lynch was my great-great grandfather. He later moved from Tyler County, WV, to Warren County, Illinois. He died on 15 Aug 1887, age 78, in Cold Brook Township, IL. His wife, Mary F. Messer Lynch, filed for a Widow's Pension on 4 Jan 1888, Application #366278; Certificate #385508.

Contact Name: Fran Miller
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/18/2011

Company K
Kenner Boreman Pipes
- Private
Kenner joined the 7th West Virginia Infantry in October 1861.
He was killed in action on October 27, 1864 at Hatcher's Run, Va. Also known as Burgess Mill.
Contact Name: Connie
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: www.angelfire.com/in/cjt
Date Added: 3/20/2010

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